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Payments integration with Lemonsqueezy

Bootsaas offers integration with lemonsqueezy for payment processing.

All you have to do to use it is to create an account on lemonsqueezy, and copy the key into

If you login as ADMIN user you also have access to orders and products pages where you can quickly see the orders and products, pulled directly from the lemonsqueezy API.

Orders are also kept in internal database, and they're synced with webhooks.

Enabling webhooks

In order to process webhook requests from lemonsqueezy, you need to create the webhook on lemon account.

For orders you should create a webhook with the following callback URL:${app.base-url}/api/lemon/webhooks/orders , and you should selectorder_created and order_refunded events.

For development, you can use to test the webhook

Copy the URL from the site and paste it in the lemonsqueezy webhook URL field and append the rest of the path. For use the whcli to forward the requests from this URL to your local server, for example: whcli forward --token=your-token --target=http://localhost:8080

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