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Getting started

After you've downloaded the starter kit, unzip it, and you should see 3 folders:

/bootsaas -- This is the backend
/bootsaas-ui -- This is the frontend
/infra -- Here is a docker-compose and caddyfile configuration

To get started, first start up the docker containers

cd infra
docker-compose up -d

This should start up your container, and it will download the images if necessary.

If you look at the docker-compose you will see we also have a caddy server running, this is a reverse proxy that will proxy all server requests to server on port 8081 (by default) and frontend requests to frontend on port 3000.

Now you can start your backend, but before you start the app, take a look at file.

You can define many different properties, but for now just set the app.admin-user-email and app.admin-user-password

This will make the application create an admin user with provided details during application startup.

Start up the backend and it should run fine.

Now let's start up the frontend as well, open the bootsaas-ui in terminal and run

npm install

In the root directory rename the .env.local.example to .env.local.

It should already be configured with NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080

Now start the frontend by running npm run dev

That's it!

You can now open the app in the browser on http://localhost:8080, try to login with your previously defined credentials, and look around the dashboard.

Some of the things you might want to do next are :

Provide the github and google login api keys

Provide the s3 provider keys - ( I recommend using )

Try registering different users, creating organizations, inviting users to organization and see how the dashboard changes based on user roles

Inspect the mails sent from the application, visit http://locahost:8025

Read the rest of this documentation to learn more about how things are implemented

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